
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on elokuu, 2022.

dosbox will take mouse pointer

  A.  DOSBox will capture your mouse when you click inside the display window  (and you have autolock=true set in the Dosbox. conf). Simply press CTRL-F10 to release the mouse. 19.9.2016

lily.kensa pico-8

 lily.kensa pico-8 lexaloffle.com/bbs/?uid=60146&mode=carts&sub=2#m good games. easy to play. smooth action. ... pico-8 https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=58671 adv. manual up https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico8_manual.txt https://iiviigames.github.io/pico8-api/ manual, pico list of articl https://asmen.icopy.site/awesome/awesome-PICO-8/

qbasic database

on linux cat > test.qdb something something CTRL+D (getting off from the cat)  '---Start Copying here--- DECLARE SUB Avg () DECLARE SUB DelRacer () DECLARE SUB DispData (ddNumOfCars%) DECLARE SUB EditRacer () DECLARE SUB EnterData () DECLARE SUB RaceSetup () DECLARE SUB RaceStart () DECLARE SUB CompressFile () 'CONST DataFile$ = "u:\qbasic\pinewo~1\TgrRecrd.qdb" 'CONST TempFile$ = "u:\qbasic\pinewo~1\Shrink.tmp" CONST DataFile$ = "c:\TEMP\test.qdb", TempFile$ = "C:\TEMP\Shrink.tmp" SCREEN 12 TYPE TgrRecord     LstNme  AS STRING * 10     FstNme  AS STRING * 10     CarNo   AS INTEGER     CarOz   AS STRING * 3     Lane1   AS SINGLE     Lane2   AS SINGLE     Lane3   AS SINGLE     Lane4   AS SINGLE     Avg     AS SINGLE END TYPE DIM SHARED Tiger AS TgrRecord MainMenu: CLS PRINT "Tiger Scout Pinewood Derby Setup" PRINT "" PRINT "1) Enter Data" PRINT "2) Edit Data" PRINT "3) Delete Data" P


 http://www.brisray.com/qbasic/qdload.htm On DosBox, keys ö means : keys ' means / keys - means \ keys ½ means ˝ mount c ~\dosprogs or mount c ~dosprogs c:/temp/lib/bcon45.lib to LINK.exe, or better yet, do a exe with  brun45.exe, just give temp lib path when it asks a lib https://www.dropbox.com/s/w8kbap41aq1k7x9/qbasic45kaytatata.zip?dl=0 it is mount c ~/dosprogs mounts linux to home/TEMP



the dotter char, plotter

  Plot Generator Tweet Share Share Tumblr Google Reddit 20 Prompts to Cure Writer's Block Prompts To Try Mid Story. by Mr Pseudonym 1. Could the entire plot have been a ruse designed to teach Jenny Humble a lesson? 2. Write a chapter as Chantal Williams looking back from ten years into the future. 3. Chantal Williams has blood on her shoe. How did it get there? 4. Could Jenny Humble and Chantal Williams both be manifestations of Mary Raymond's subconscious? 5. Change formats: write a letter to the local newspaper from Mary Raymond. 6. Writing exercise: Write a diary entry as if you're Jenny Humble 7. Make Chantal Williams accidentally send a text to the wrong person. 8. Reveal that Chantal Williams is just a brain in a jar. 9. Writing exercise: Describe Mary Raymond's funeral 10. Give Jenny Humble a pet. 11. Give Chantal Williams a disability. How will that affect the rest of the story? 12. Jenny